The easiest recipe for Vassilopita is here – puffy and delicious. To honour the most festive day of the year, don’t forget to accompany this cake with the Commandaria ‘Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades’ and clink your glasses to a happier 2022!


  • 3 cups flour
  • 250 gr. butter at room temperature
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 5 eggs
  • 300 gr. sugar
  • 3 tbsp. baking powder
  • 2 vanillas
  • zest of one orange
  • 1 coin
  • coconut for sprinkling


  1. Preheat the oven to 180oC.
  2. Beat the butter with the sugar in the mixer until fluffy.
  3. Add the eggs one by one, so that the mixture absorbs them.
  4. Add the vanilla and orange zest.
  5. Reduce the speed of the mixer and successively add the milk, the baking powder and the flour.
  6. Grease a 20-22 cm diameter baking tray with and pour in the mixture. Do not forget your coin, wrapped in foil!
  7. Bake the cake for 45-50 minutes.
  8. Once our cake has cooled, unmold it by turning it over, sprinkle it with coconut and decorate it with the number 2021!
  9. Enjoy Vassilopita alongside a glass of Commandaria ‘Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades’.

May the New Year be filled with health, joy, love and many smiles for you and your loved ones. Happy New Year!

*Recipes and dishes presented on the website are not applied in the winery’s restaurant “PLAYIA“.