As we keep staying home for a year now, odds are we’ve tackled all the activities possible to spend our time indoors creatively. However, this should by no means disappoint us. That’s why Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades suggests that you pull up your sleeves, gather all the good mood and optimism stocks you own and start working on a new project for the remainder of your ‘locked-down’ time and make your days ahead count.

You’ll have probably understood by now that this is a project about wine, of course! And by referring to wine, we don’t exclusively mean drinking it. Read on for some fantastic ideas you can deploy at home to expand your knowledge and love around wine, which – after all – ‘delights the human heart’, as we say in Greek!

Create a wine cellar

If you don’t own a wine cellar at home, then start creating one! Take a walk to the nearest wine cellar or supermarket hosting the wines of Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades and check them out, ask about them and choose some (or all) of its red, rosé and white wines – there are 10 (!) – to take home with you. If you’re still not ready enough for walks in supermarkets and the like, then order your wines online by simply clicking here and have them delivered straight to your door. It’s not necessary to start with dozens of bottles. However, promise yourself at least one purchase a week to keep your cellar renewed and never empty.

Organise it

Create a file on your computer (or manuscript, if you are more of the retro guy!) with your cellar’s wine labels and their characteristics: name, variety(s), date, origin, etc. This will be good preparation for the next suggestion we have in hand for you. All of the above equally applies to those who already own a wine cellar at home – if you haven’t already drunk everything up and there’s something left!

Try it

Okay, you most certainly can’t open all the Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades wines you have at home just to try them. Nevertheless, every time you do open one, let it breathe and then check it out up close: its colour, its aroma, its texture, its taste, its aftertaste. Then you can enrich your file with all this additional information. You should know at this point that under the category ‘Oenopaidia’, there are dozens of informative articles you can refer to, as well as loads of inspiring recipes, which brings us to our next wine-related proposal:

Cook with wine and try wine pairing

Visit the ‘Gastronomic Suggestions’ category on the Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades website and browse through the recipes – you will find everything, from meat and fish to seafood or fasting and vegan dishes – all with suggestions for the best wine pairing! Decide which ones best suit your tastes, and transform your kitchen into a happy place of delicious and imaginative dishes, always accompanied by a wine from Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades. Experiment and discover the limits of your taste buds, as you will notice that over time it will become clearer which wine matches which dish. Needless to say, whatever information you collect can be registered in your wine database!

By doing all of these you will begin to gain knowledge about the magical and limitless word of wine. If you feel eager to go deeper, then wine-educate yourself a bit more: read books and watch movies and documentaries about wine, viticulture and winemaking.

And to conclude this education-oriented lockdown project, we have one last suggestion for you: research the world wine map and plan a wine tourism/gastronomic trip for when conditions allow. Spending time planning such a trip, looking for wine destinations, wineries, tastings and wine tourism resorts will put you in contact with more knowledge around the subject matter and – who knows – maybe by the end of this task our lockdown days will be over.