Due to those special circumstances we’re all living through, Valentine’s Day will be celebrated indoors this year. However this doesn’t mean that you can’t be a little extra! Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades has the perfect recipe to a beautiful, romantic dinner. Enjoy Valentine’s Day with your loved ones and our wines.

But first, dedicate some time to decorate your home. Create a romantic atmosphere with scented candles and flowers. Red roses are of course great for the occasion. Spread them around the setting of the romantic dinner.

Then, it’s time to get cooking! Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades has chosen a series of delicious recipes to accompany our wines, creating a beautifully harmonious result. The Playia series of our winery, found in this perfect Valentine’s Day gift box, are ideal for the following dishes.

Appetiser – Salad with green beans, tomatoes and feta cheese #PlayiaRoséDry

To get things started, we recommend a green bean, tomato and feta cheese salad. It’s a refreshing recipe that pairs perfectly with the elegant and bright Playia Rosé Dry. It has a fine light pink colour and delicate aromas.

Find the recipe here

First Dish – Tagliatelle with shrimps and fresh cream #PlayiaWhiteDry

Playia White Dry is a great choice for this dish, as its pleasant and balanced taste is blends harmoniously with seafood pasta. That’s why we recommend this tagliatelle shrimp and fresh cream pasta, which is mouthwatering and rich. The creamy sauce in combination with the sweet taste of the white wine is simply divine!

Find the recipe here

Main Dish – Pepper Steak # PlayiaCuvéeSpéciale

What’s better than a classic Pepper Steak and a fine red wine such as Playia Cuvée Spéciale to have it with? This cosmopolitan blend of three varieties, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, is an ideal fit for the fine beef fillet. The wine’s fruit and spices aromas and the freshly baked fillet’s aromas are a match!

Find the recipe here

Dessert – Brownies with vanilla ice cream #Commandaria

A dessert is almost obligatory to end the night! Our award-winning Commandaria is the ultimate partner to a chocolate dessert. We recommend these chocolate brownies topped with vanilla ice cream to end the night in the most romantic and classic way possible!

Find the recipe here

Wine should not be absent from your Valentine’s Day romantic dinner setting. Wine and romance are inseparable and the right wine choice can really make a difference. So, whichever way you choose to express your love, the wines of Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades will truly reward your effort!