Mavro (=Black) is one of the oldest and most dominant grape varieties of the Cypriot land. It is found in all vine-friendly areas of Cyprus, in both fertile and barren soils, which is why it covers 79% of the island’s total production. Mavro is one of the two varieties (in combination with Xinisteri) used for the production of Commandaria. At the same time, it is the base for all red and black vineyards that produce wine and thrives both in the plains bordering the sea and in mountainous areas.
Mavro is a variety that produces red wine, slightly astringent, with many tannins, distinctive aroma and colour, which shouldn’t be aged for a long time. Today, with the use of special winemaking procedures, this variety offers a balanced, aromatic and complete wine. Its shoots are white and fluffy at the top, while the young leaves are yellowish, fluffy and the larger leaves are dark green and soft. Its bunches are usually very large and can reach up to a kilo each, with equally large, oval fruit, dark red in colour and with thick flesh.
Food pairing
Precisely because it produces lightly astringent wine with a lot of tannins, Mavro pairs well with braised dishes, meat and high-fat dishes. Tannins love fats and are easily absorbed.