Open Doors at Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades #4
FREE ENTRANCE “Knock kno-“… No need to knock, our doors are already open! After a full, oenological year, Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades reopens its doors on Sunday, November 13, 2022 and invites…
On Sunday, 19 June find us at ‘Wine-Flavors of Cyprus’ at Limassol
We would love to see you this Sunday, 19 June, at Limassol’s Old Port Square from 18:00 until 22:00. Oenou Yi-Ktima Vassiliades participates in ‘Wine-Flavors of Cyprus’, where we will proudly be…
Open Doors at Oenou Yi-Ktima Vassiliades winery #3
FREE ENTRANCE We may have lost a year, but we certainly didn’t let go of our desire to open our doors to all of you! On the occasion of the European Wine Tourism Day, we open our winery’s…
Oenou Jazz Festival
Cheers to love with the first glass Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades, in collaboration with Dream Theater Productions, presents for the first time in Omodos, Oenou Jazz Festival on Saturday, 11…
Blessing the Harvest
A rich harvest is the reward for hard work and effort. My father, George Vassiliades, used to say ‘we were very happy and we suffered a lot’. By blessing the beginnings of the offspring of nature,…
Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades Wine Tasting at Island Boutique Hotel
Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades winery invites you to a summer evening of wine tasting at Island Boutique Hotel, at Larnaca (Piale Pasa 21, 6027), on Thursday, 6 August 2020, at 19:00. Join us to…
The romantic trip of Piano & Voice Chapters continues at Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades
Following the great success of the musical Piano & Voice Chapters by Dream Theater Productions at Nicosia, the performance found its summer host at the romantic terrace of Oenou Yi – Ktima…
Piano & Voice Chapters at Oenou Yi - Ktima Vassiliades
Dream Theater Productions, in collaboration with Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades winery, present the musical-theatrical performance PIANO & VOICE CHAPTERS with actress Mara Constantinou…
Oenou Yi Wine experience at Aperitivo Jetset Lounge
“Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades” winery invites you to a unique wine tasting night at Aperitivo Jetset Lounge at Nicosia, on Wednesday, June 17th, from 19:00 to 21:00. Join us to spend a beautiful…
Cancellation of the Wine Seminars
With a sense of responsibility, and taking into consideration the latest developments connected to coronavirus (COVID-19), as well as the measures announced by the authorities of the Republic of…
Photo Competition
Time to shine ??? Be a part of our #photocontest for a chance to win amazing #wine prizes???! On Sunday, November 10th, join us at our Open doors event ? Ανοιχτές Πόρτες στο Οινοποιείο…
Open Doors for the 2nd year by “Oenou Yi - Ktima Vassiliades”
Due to the European Day of Winetourism “Oenou Yi- Ktima Vassiliades” will open its doors, to welcome you, on Sunday 10th of November 2019. At the event you will have the chance to taste our fine…
Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades Grand Opening
“Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades” performs the Grand Opening of its winery on 2nd June 2019. The opening will be carried out by the President of the Republic of Cyprus H.E. Mr. Nicos…
"Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades" in the 9th Cypriot Wine Exhibition
“Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades” has the pleasure to announce its participation at the annual Cypriot wine exhibition, organized by the Famagusta wine lover’s group. The…
Londa Beach Hotel teams up with Oenou Yi - Ktima Vassiliades for a Wine-Pairing Dinner
The Londa Beach Hotel has teamed up with “Oenou Yi” winery for an eclectic wine-pairing dinner on February 8th. The new contemporary winery of Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades reflects the…
"Open Doors" at Oenou Yi - Ktima Vassiliades
ENTRANCE IS FREE On Sunday, 11th of Νovember 2018, “Oenou Yi- Ktima Vassiliades” participates in the “Open Doors” showcase which is being organised by the Cyprus Tourism Organisation. At the…