Wine is a unique drink and requires special treatment, in comparison to other drinks. If this sounds overrated and complicated, we recommend you to stay calm and simply read on for a comprehensive and complete wine tasting experience.
Of course, and above all, wine is a life pleasure filled with emotions and one doesn’t need to have special knowledge to enjoy it; nevertheless, these small steps will help you to experience wine on another level.
Hold it properly
Everything starts from the way you hold your glass. As you have probably noticed, wine glasses have a bowl and stem, by which we ought to hold them. For the different types of glasses that should be used for each wine, you can read more here: All about wine glasses. As far as it concerns a proper wine tasting, one must hold the glass by the stem, as holding it by the bowl affects the temperature of the wine, which, in turn, affects its taste and aromas. For the right wine temperatures read here: The Secrets of Wine Serving.
Observe it
Before you pour a generous amount of wine in your glass to enjoy, pour a small dose so you can observe it well, taste it and then decide. Leaning the glass over a white surface or in front of light, with a slight inclination of 40 degrees, you can observe the colour more easily. What should you watch out for? Red wine colours range from ruby to dark red while white wine colours range from light green with yellow highlights to gold. A fresh white wine usually has hints of green. If a dry red wine seems brownish, be cautious when trying it, as from the colour you can perceive the oxidation that has occurred.
If you see sediment and dark residue in a mature wine, such as an aged red wine, don’t be intimidated. Sediments are safe for consumption and are not an indicator of any unsuitability.
Rotate it
If you have ever paid attention during wine tasting, you will have noticed the rotating glasses in the air or on the table, before drinking. This is done neither for the style nor for the show; the rotation increases the interaction of the wine with the oxygen and thus its aromas are released. So next time do swirl the wine in your glass for 2-3 seconds and then take a sip.
Smell it
The aromas of a wine are vital in the whole experience and can say a lot about the wine. After swirling the wine and letting it ‘breathe’, bring the glass close to your nose to smell its aromatic elements.
White wines are dominated by aromas of white fruit, citrus and plant notes. In Reserve Chardonnay you will find citrus aromas with sweet notes of pear, melon, nutmeg and vanilla, in Pente Litharia elegant aromas of exotic fruit and citrus, with soft notes of white flowers and in the semi-sweet Thalero aromas reminiscing stone and exotic fruit, such as peach and pineapple.
On the other hand, red wines are dominated by aromas of red and black fruit, dark flowers, herbs and ripening aromas, such as tobacco, cream and butter. In the aged Geroklima you will find red forest fruit aromas, such as sour cherry and cherry, in Red Melody intense berry aromas, vanilla and black pepper, while in sweet Commandaria dried fruit, honey and spices.
Taste it
In the last stage of wine tasting, all you have to do is taste the wine! Sip a small amount and move it around your mouth, from the tongue to the palate. This will help you distinguish the different flavours; bitter, sour, sweet, salty, as the sensors that detect these flavours are located in different parts of the oral cavity. Then you can identify the body of the wine, is it light or dense? Light is what feels like water in the mouth while dense is what feels like full fat milk. Finally, you should pay attention to the aftertaste. If the taste and aromas strongly persist in your mouth after swallowing, then what you’re drinking is a wine with a long aftertaste.
Finally, don’t forget that wine is a life pleasure, indulgence and experience! Enjoy it, always responsibly, and with a beautiful company!